
The healing art of dentistry has a long and distinguished history, and today the profession of Dentistry is looked upon by public with respect and admiration.
   The postal administrations of most country on the world have paid little attention to the dentists and dental health. In spite of this, countries around the world issued stamps directly associated with dental science or dental health, and they commemorated dentists and dental events.
   Yet same dental specialists know nothing about the efforts to advance this profession and contribution that have been made by same postal administrations in their attempt to pay respect to our profession.
   Since the subject of this page is “collecting stamps with thematic dentistry”, not a page about dental history, the text is held short and will not be mentioned all additional philatelic material referred to dentistry.
   In publishing this page, informations, text and photo, were gathered over the Internet, ATA checklists, ATA hand-books, “Dentistry an illustrated history” edited by Malvin Ring, An Organized comprehensive Dental Collection of Stamps” part I-IV edited by Dr. Adolf Schwartz, M.D., D.D.S. and “Dentistry on Stamps” edited by Hannelore Loevy, CD, MS, PhD and Aletha Kowitz, MA
   Correction and additions to this page, are most welcome.