Dental Congresses

Probably the most important part of the philatelic material designate to “Dentistry”, issued over the years by several countries, was celebrating dental congresses and similar meetings. The Nationals and World Dental Congress boasts a diverse scientific programe with oral health experts who present on a broad spectrum of subjects in the dentistry field, from caries management protocols to regenerative endodontics.

Bulgaria 1968
S Korea 1967
S Korea 1989
S Korea 1997
Syria 1987
Syria 1995
Syria 1997
Philippines 1983
Philippines 1986
Philippines 1994
Brazil 1977
India 1988
Yugoslavia 1985
Thailand 1998
Thailand 2015
Peru 1979
Iran 1965
Iran 1972
Iran 1987
Egypt 1981
Egypt 1985
Senegal 1967
Finland 1984
Kuwait 1977
Kuwait 1981
Kuwait 1985
Kuwait 1989
Kuwait 1996
Malaysia 1993
Malaysia 2001
Cuba 1966