Dentists in Stamps

Pierre Fauchard (1678 – 17610) – Commemorated in 1961 by French Post Office, was born in 1678, is considered “Father of Modern Scientific dentistry”. In 1728 he wrote his famous “Le churigien Dentiste”. He was the first to apply orthodontic techniques for correction of malocclusion.

Ambroise Pare (1510 – 1590) – He used three instruments to extract teeth; root exposer, a pusher and an pelican to lift the tooth. To fill teeth, he used lead or cork.

Augusto Coelho e Sauza (1863 – 1949 ) – His education was first in teaching, but he decided to become dentist and graduated in 1904 as Doctor in dentistry in Rio. He is know as father of Brazilian Dentistry. In 1900 he puplishede hid “Manual Odontologico”, and developed training courses for dental students in 1902. He teached dentistry in several schools.

Gen. Emillio Nunez Rodriguez (1855 – 1922) – Borne in cuba, graduated as dentist in 1889 in Philadelphia. After 1900 he was Mayor of Havana, Vice President of Cuba, General of Cuban Army.

Willian T. G. Morton (1819 – 1868) – On September 30th, 1846, he performed a painless tooth extraction after administering ether to Mr. Eben Frost. He is considered to be “inventor and reveler” of anesthesia.

Dr. Nicasio Etchepareborda (1857 – 1935 ) – Graduating as M.D. in 1881, he went to Paris to study Dentistry. After graduation, he returned to Buenos Aires and was involved in creating Dental Faculty in 1892. He was the first Dean of the Dental Faculty.

Dr. Jose da Silva Xavier – Tiradentes – Was proclaimed civic patron of the Brazilian nation. A dreamer and an idealist he involved himself deeply in he “Revolutionary Conspiracy”. Denounced, his death sentence was read in 1789. His godfather give himpractical knowledge of dentistry and thagh he did not follow regular course he had a reasonable sum of knowledge.

Joshef Trumpeldor (1880 – 1920) – Received dentist’s diploma in 1900. After 1912 went to Palestine and joined “Zion Mule Corps”. In Russia he organized the Hecholtuz organization. In 1919 he went once again in Israel were in February 29 1920 was mortally wounded.

Casanova Danielle (1909 – 1943) – She obtained her degree in Paris. French resistance fighter, she became part of the Communist Party and in 1942, send to the concentration camp in Aushchvitz were she died in 1943.

Gen. Cirol Bernard Freyberg (1889 – 1963) – After college graduation he became dentist in New Zealand. In 1912 joined army and particite active in WW I and WW II. In 1946 he became the 7th Governator General of New Zealand.

Francois Joseph Talma (1763 – 1826) – He was borne in Paris, as a son of a Parisian dentist. attended dental school in London, and after graduation returned to Paris. After 1 1/2 year gave up practice and made his debut as actor. He became the greatest tragedian of France.

Dr. John W. Elliot (1822 – 1909) – He establish his practice in Toronto. He devoted to various inventions of Snow- cleaning masine, patented in 1869 and 1870.

Dr. Stephen, Taylor Smith (1881 – 1951) – Graduated as dentist in Calcuta, he served as a dentist in Indian army between 1914 – 1918 and open a private practice. He was inventor of the “Racket Mail” in India.

Erhard Heller (1944 – ) – Graduated as dentist in 1972. Since 1975 engaged in dental practice in Gruenwald. He was ten times German Champion in ice skating, one time World Champion and twice Olympic medal winner, in 1968 and 1972.

Kerstin Gustafsdotter Palm (1946 – ) – She studied dentistry in Stockholm and became the youngest dental surgeon in Sweden in 1969. Since 1960 she won in foil fencing, Swedish championship, nine times, and took part in the Olympic Games in Tokyo and Mexico City.

Lene Koppen (1953 – ) – She graduated as DDS from The University of Copenhagen in 1977 and practice dentistry in Copenhagen. An avid player of Badminton, she won a number of Scandinavian and European championship and has been twice world women’s single champion.

Elizbieta Krzesinska (1934 – ) – She graduated as DDS in 1963. Since then she is practicing in Warsaw. During the XVI Olympic Games in Melbourne Australia, she won the gold medal for a 6.35m broad jump.

Montague Alfred Noble (1873 – 1940) – He received dental diploma in 1901 and set up a practice in Sidney. Soon he devoted all his time to cricket, while captain, his team won in 1909 the World championship. After 1912 comeback to dentistry and became volunteer dentist in the Army during WW II.

Jaquine A. Marcos (1890 – 1942) – Graduated as dentist in 1911, continued the stud of medicine and graduated as MD. He specialized in the research and treatment of tuberculosis. The Sanatorium in San Salvador was named in his honor the Dr. Marcos Sanatorium.

Robert H. Snyder (1889 – 1956) – He study dentistry in chicago, and graduated as a DDS in 1916. His house wasthe subject of a painting by L. L. Fitzgerald, who lived next door, “Doc Snyder’s House”.

Dr. Aders Sandvig (1861 – 1950) – Graduating from The dental School in Oslo, he opened a dental practice near Silehammer. Interested in rural cultural heritage he organized “The sandvig collection” a rural farm houses collection.

Johann Andreas Eisenbart (1661 – 1727) – Traveler surgeon, recommanded his services for loose teeth, tothache and artificial teeth.

Dr. Bernard J. Cigrand ( 1866 – 1932 ) “The Father of the American Flag Day”, was born in Waubeka, Wisconsin, graduated in 1888 from the Northwestern University Dental School and in 1891 from Lake Forest University as DDS. He conceived the idea of observing the U.S. Flag ceremony one day of the year. Thruogh his efforts the Congress has officially adopted the U.S. Flag to be celebrated on June 14 1877. He served as dean of Illinois School of Dentistry, President of the American College of Dental Surgery, President of the Chicago Public Library.

Dr. Doroteo Espiritu ( 1897 – ? ) – Was born in Salinas, Phillipines and received the degree of Doctor in Dental surgery in 1926 from the Philippine Dental College. He was the inventor of a type of floss holder.

Dr. William P. Magee ( 1944 – ) – He was born in Hobocken, New Jersey, and graduated as DDS in 1969 at George Washington University. Post graduate training in surgery was at the University of Virginia and Norfolk General Hospital. In 1972 he founded the medical mission “Operation Smile” that travels to third world countries to perform plastic and reconstructive surgery. He received many awards and decorations, among which is the Presidential medal of Honor from the Government of Liberia.

Dr. Blaiberg Philip ( 1909 – 1969  -) – Born in Uniondale, South Africa, he graduated as Doctor in Dentistry from the Royal Dentistry Hospital School in 1933, and practiced in Johannesburg. On January 2, 1969 he became he second heard transplant patient of Dr. Barnard, surviving for nearly 20 months.

Dr. William George Beers ( ? – ? ) Considered the father of modern lacrosse, formalized in 1870 the game rules. He received his dental training in Montreal. He was dean of the Faculty of dentistry in Montreal and editor of Canadian Journal of Dental Science.

Dr. Cheddi Jagan (1918 – 1997 ) – Born on the Plantation Port Maurant Berbie, British Guiana, studied dentistry at Northwestern University Dental School graduating as DDS. Upon return to his country, he become the leader of Progressive Party. In 1952 he was Minister of Agriculture, in 1957 Minister of Industry and First Prime Minister of Guyana. From 1964 he was the lider of opposition, and was also the president of Guyana’s Pease Council.

Dr. Henry McKeeby (1867 – 1950) –  studied dentistry at the University of Iowa graduating in 1894, and practice dentistry at Winthorp, IA. In 1930 the american painter Grant Wood, chose Dr. McKeeby and his sister Nan as subjects for his painting,”American Gothic”.