Willian T. G. Morton (1819 – 1868) – On September 30th, 1846, he performed a painless tooth extraction after administering ether to Mr. Eben Frost. He is considered to be “inventor and reveler” of anesthesia.

Transkei 1984
Dr. John W. Elliot (1822 – 1909) – He establish his practice in Toronto. He devoted to various inventions of Snow- cleaning machine, patented in 1869 and 1870.

Dr. Stephen, Taylor Smith (1881 – 1951) – Graduated as dentist in Calcuta, he served as a dentist in Indian army between 1914 – 1918 and open a private practice. He was inventor of the “Racket Mail” in India.

Dr. Doroteo Espiritu ( 1897 – ? ) Was born in Salinas, Phillipines and received the degree of Doctor in Dental surgery in 1926 from the Philippine Dental College. He was the inventor of a type of floss holder.