Pierre Fauchard – Commemorated in 1961 by French Post Office, was born in 1678, is considered “Father of Modern Scientific dentistry”. In 1728 he wrote his famous “Le churigien Dentiste”. He was the first to apply orthodontic techniques for correction of malocclusion.

Ambroise Pare (1510 – 1590) – He used three instruments to extract teeth; root exposer, a pusher and an pelican to lift the tooth. To fill teeth, he used lead or cork.

Dr. Egidio Lapira (1897 – 1970) – Prof. Lapira, who is shown on the 19c stamp, was appointed the first dental surgeon in Malta, in 1929, to teach at the general hospital. He was the first dean of the faculty of dental surgery at the Royal University of Malta.

Augusto Coelho e Sauza (1863 – 1949 ) – His education was first in teaching, but he decided to become dentist and graduated in 1904 as Doctor in dentistry in Rio. He is know as father of Brazilian Dentistry. In 1900 he published hid “Manual Odontologico”, and developed training courses for dental students in 1902. He teached dentistry in several schools.

Dr. Nicasio Etchepareborda (1857 – 1935 ) – Graduating as M.D. in 1881, he went to Paris to study Dentistry. After graduation, he returned to Buenos Aires and was involved in creating Dental Faculty in 1892. He was the first Dean of the Dental Faculty.

Johann Andreas Eisenbart (1661 – 1727) – Traveler surgeon, recommended his services for loose teeth, toothache and artificial teeth.